High School with Aalim/Aalimah Class
Madaniyya Academy offers the ILC/VLC high school program for grades 9-12 along with Aalim/Aalimah Class.
Details of Program
Academic Year Duration: September – June
Aalim/Aalimah Class Year Duration: September – July
Operating Days: Monday – Friday
Age of Admission: Grade 9 – Grade 12
An Ontario Certified Teacher will guide your learning and grade your assignments, helping to ensure that you receive the best online education experience possible. Madaniyya Academy will be having a teacher supervising and guiding students daily to meet deadlines and submit quality work.
Before applying, please make sure your child meets the admission requirements. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Eligiblity Criteria
Girls High School:
- Student must be a hafizah of the Qur’an or have completed Maktab syllabus (Tasheel,/An-nasihah or any other similar equivalent) and should be able to read from the Quran fluently.
- Students must have an average above 70% on previous report card and pass admission test in order to be eligible for the high school program
- Students must attend the Aalimah class provided with the academic high school program
Boys High School:
- Student must be a hafiz of the Qur’an or have completed Maktab syllabus (Tasheel,/An-nasihah or any other similar equivalent) and should be able to read from the Quran fluently.
- Student must have an average above 70% on previous report card and pass admission test in order to be eligible for the high school program
- Student must attend the Aalim class provided with the academic high school program
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this program open for both boys and girls?
Yes. This program is open for both boys and girls.
How does online high school work at Madaniyya Academy?
Students will work on a semester to semester basis. All students will be required to register in 4 classes (ILC or VLC) per semester and must complete the class within the semester (dates to be provided by Madaniyya). Students will be supervised by a teacher in the class who will monitor student progress. The teacher supervisor will be communicating with ILC/VLC staff and parents throughout the year.
Students will obtain an OSSD (Ontario Secondary School Diploma) at the end of grade 12 from ILC/VLC upon completion of all courses.
What is ILC learning?
ILC courses adhere to Ontario Ministry of Education requirements and cover all pathways to graduation. Courses are offered in English or French, through an independent distance education model. Students are expected to complete readings and submit assignments in a timely manner. Madaniyya Academy will give deadlines to the students in order to finish on a semester basis.
What is VLC learning?
The VLC offers students a full range of learning opportunities powered by the latest online technologies available. VLC learning offers online live classes two times a week per subject. VLC offers student-teacher interaction and students are required to attend web meetings, and to adhere to the course schedule and all due dates. Deadline for assignments and projects is provided by VLC staff.
Does my child receive all high school credits?
Yes, upon successfully completing the course your child will receive his/her high school credits. The teacher supervisor will be tracking courses to ensure that your child is completing all required courses and selecting appropriate electives.
Who provides the OSSD?
The OSSD will be provided by ILC/VLC upon competition of all required courses, OSSLT (Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test; completed spring of Grade 10), and 40 hours community service.
What is the Aalim/Aalimah course?
This course is designed to give students a good grasp of the correct teachings of Islam and how to include this in our day to day lives. This will include a study of many texts such as the Quran as well as Hadith.
The syllabus covers the study of Nahwa, Sarf, Seerah, Tajweed, Urdu Grammar, History and Islamic beliefs. This develops in later years to the study of Tafseer, Usool, Adaab, Fiqh, Quranic exegesis and Hadith studies.
All courses are taught in English. Students are not required to have any prior knowledge of the Arabic language before they embark on this course. However, students need to have completed Maktab syllabus(Tasheel/ An-nasihah Books or any other similar equivalent) and should be able to read from the Quran fluently.